Congratulations Billy! X
Mickey mouse
JoinedPosts by Mickey mouse
That does it ! I'm leaving ! ! !
by Billy the Ex-Bethelite inleaving the university with my degree!.
exams are finished and it's just a matter of days before i walk.. i was certainly stressed about doing this.
i'm older than my classmates and armageddon was sooooo close!
JWs under scrutiny in Finland
by Mickey mouse in
sorry i'm on a tablet so can't make the above clickable.
more at link.
Mickey mouse
Sorry I'm on a tablet so can't make the above clickable. More at link.
WTS buys £1,000,000 luxury sea-front property in Wales, UK
by Simon inshower room.
games room.
Mickey mouse
JW.Orgy......let's come up with slogans
by AndDontCallMeShirley inhere are a couple suggestions for slogans:.
missionary positions available".. 2.
where jesus isn't the only one coming for a second time".. .. add yours to the list.
Mickey mouse
This way to the oral review
Anyone Here Used to Fear Persecution?
by kneehighmiah ini was thinking today about how i no longer have to fear the attack of satan against the jws.
i used to fear being rounded up and beaten by mobs.
seeing my family tortured.
Mickey mouse
Oh yes, I had regular concentration camp themed nightmares as a child. I distinctly remember sitting under a chair at the kingdom Hall as this account was read out and it terrified me. It's from the April 1st 1970 Watchtower (shame it wasn't an April fools joke):
16 When a Christian witness of Jehovah of Ntifinyire Village was beaten for refusing to purchase a political card, Banda’s youths took a knife and made cuts encircling his arms and then his legs and inflicted many cuts on his head. Other Witnesses had six-inch nails driven into their feet, bicycle spokes were forced through their legs and then these Christians were told to run. Still others were tortured with a burning stick placed against their arms, legs, head and entire body. Still these Witnesses refused to compromise their religious beliefs or deny their God Jehovah under such barbaric torture. Do you have the quality of Christian endurance in you to stand such tests? You may be called upon someday to prove your faith. How will your faith stand up?
EX JW Podcast
by snare&racket ini am setting up a podcast (radio show) where we will cover the issues of jw's, amongst the topics of science, belief and more.. i am letting you guys know because i would like to interact with the forum as we do them, looking for suggestions for topics, looking for guest ideas and also we can mask voies and change names, so interviewing current jw's to help provide people a voice, an outlet for their frustration whilst providing a safety net.
there is no hierarchy, but current elders, bethelites etc that contribute here already will be more than welcome and protected!.
the podcast will be pro science, i will have both atheist and theist co-presenters in the episodes but i can't deny my bias towards evidence and science, but hopefully it should be enjoyable and informative for us all.. i plan for it to be about 2hrs long, maybe an episode a month or every 2 or 3 weeks.
Mickey mouse
Sounds good. I thought it was a great shame that MadSweeney stopped doing his podcasts.
Had a reply for job...
by snare&racket in.
got a cool job, surgery and emergency medicine in a nice holiday town, super happy :d. .
Mickey mouse
It's a lovely town, congratulations.
The JW sign language v 50 cent video goes viral
by Mickey mouse in
it's the gift that keeps on giving..
Mickey mouse
It's the gift that keeps on giving.
I did it !!!!
by snare&racket in7 years ago i started on a path i had long ago given up on as impossible.
i met with my elders and told them i could not justify carrying on as a jw.
i went and got my high school qualifications and my higher education diploma (a levels with distinction) in just 12 months.
Mickey mouse
Huge congratulations to you snare. What an achievement
a list of good movies/tv shows to get a JW to think
by nonjwspouse inones that have themes that come uncomfortabllly close to the cult dynamic.. i already got him to watch the obsolete man on twilight zone.
he sauggested watching some old tz again tonight so i wioll pick where is everybody, and escape clause.. i have heard oters say the movie truman show was a good movie as is the matrix ( though i detest violence).
any more suggestions for my personal handy dandy list?.
Mickey mouse
I saw the Truman show years before I woke up from my JW slumber and it troubled me deeply in a way I couldn't quite put my finger on (see my avatar!). Looking back my brain was screaming 'this is your life!' even though it was a while before the message got through. Films and books can draw useful parallels for JWs, reading 1984 was a similar experience for me.